AI Tools for Competitive Intelligence
In this Masterclass, Arthur will teach you how to use AI tools and strategies to increase your intelligence capture. And not just capturing intelligence but much more. I’ll look at the background to the AI Tools like ChatGPT that have emerged since t...
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AI Tools for Competitive Intelligence
In this Masterclass, Arthur will teach you how to use AI tools and strategies to increase your intelligence capture. And not just capturing intelligence but much more. I’ll look at the background to the AI Tools like ChatGPT that have emerged since the end of 2022. How do they work? What other similar AI tools are there? It’s not just the headline-grabbing ChatGPT, and some are even better. How do you get the tools to give you what you need for your business? Recent job advertisements have sought “prompt engineers” who know the secrets of getting the answers – for sums over $100,000. But is prompt engineering that tough? I’ll give a fool-proof way of designing prompts that will enable you to get the results you need. Whether this is to help you write a business report or email, to summarize a complex document, to find out about new markets or technologies, or to design a logo or image that will promote your business – the new AI tools can support you.
Starring: Arthur Weiss